Sensor faults

Bora Kizil
4 min readJul 10, 2023


What are the different faults, problems or malfunctions that can occur in sensors? How can you identify them?

Sensor faults refer to problems or malfunctions in various types of sensors. These faults can arise from various issues, such as physical damage, electrical problems, environmental factors, or software errors. A faulty sensor cannot perform its function properly but instead may provide false information for decisions, thus making the system unreliable. It is necessary to detect such failures. Detection is the first step before performing correcting actions.

To understand the complexity of the subject, it can be interesting to see what type of problems we are talking about. Here are some common types of sensor faults:

  1. Stuck Sensor: A stuck sensor is one that becomes unresponsive and gets “stuck” in a particular state, failing to provide accurate readings. It may get fixed at one extreme or in an intermediate position, leading to incorrect or constant output.
  2. Drift: Sensor drift occurs when a sensor gradually shifts from its initial calibration over time. This can result in a gradual change in the sensor’s output, leading to inaccurate measurements. Drifts can be caused by factors such as ageing, temperature changes, physical damage, or exposure to certain chemicals.
  3. Sensor Offset: A sensor offset fault refers to a constant bias or deviation in the sensor’s output, resulting in a consistent error in measurements. This offset can be caused by manufacturing variations, calibration issues, or electronic component failures.
  4. Sensor Saturation: Saturation occurs when a sensor reaches its maximum or minimum limit and is unable to accurately measure beyond that point. It can happen due to high-intensity input signals or inappropriate sensor range selection for a given application.
  5. Sensor Noise: Sensor noise refers to random fluctuations or variations in the sensor’s output, which can obscure the true signal. Noise can be caused by external electromagnetic interference, poor grounding, or internal electronic factors.
  6. Sensor Cross-Sensitivity: Cross-sensitivity occurs when a sensor responds to multiple inputs or environmental factors that it is not specifically designed to measure. This can lead to interference and inaccurate readings.
  7. Sensor Hysteresis: Hysteresis is the phenomenon where the output of a sensor depends not only on the current input but also on its history. It can cause a delay or lag in the sensor’s response and result in inconsistencies between ascending and descending input values.
  8. Sensor Connection Issues: Faulty wiring, loose connections, or improper installation can cause intermittent or complete loss of signal from a sensor, resulting in unreliable measurements or complete sensor failure.
  9. Sensor Contamination: Contamination on sensor surfaces, such as dust, dirt, moisture, or chemicals, can interfere with their functioning and lead to inaccurate readings.
  10. Sensor Calibration Error: Calibration errors can occur due to inaccuracies in the calibration process or drift over time. These errors can lead to incorrect scaling, zero offsets, or gain errors in the sensor’s output.

Sensor defaults can have significant repercussions on your operations. We rely heavily on data to ensure that everything is working properly. etecting sensor faults is therefore crucial. How to do so? Here are several options to consider:

  1. Physical inspection: Conduct a visual inspection of the sensor and its connections. Look for signs of physical damage, loose wiring, corrosion, or other indications of wear and tear that may affect its performance.
  2. Monitor sensor readings mannually. Manual observation can be difficult and prone to errors.
  3. Monitor data using rule-based algorithms. Rule-based methods can be highly accurate, but their accuracy depends critically on the choice of parameters.
  4. Monitor data using an estimation method which predicts “normal” sensor behavior by leveraging sensor correlations, flagging anomalous sensor readings as faults. Estimation methods are accurate, but cannot classify faults.
  5. Analyze data patterns: Use an AI to examine the collected data for any unusual patterns or trends. Train the AI system using normal behaviour data so that it can detect sudden spikes, constant zero readings, or values that fall outside the expected range. Deviations from the established baseline could indicate a faulty sensor, although it’s essential to consider other factors such as operational changes. Time series-analysis-based AI methods are more effective for detecting short duration faults than long duration ones. They need special tuning to be performant and not to incur false positives.

It’s important to note that the specific steps and techniques for detecting a faulty sensor can vary depending on the type of sensor, the system it is used in, and the available resources or expertise.

Additionally, if you are seeking a highly scalable AI solution for fault detection in your sensors, we recommend exploring Upalgo Anomaly Detection.

Remember that timely identification of faulty sensors can help prevent operational disruptions and ensure reliable data for your operations.



Bora Kizil

Co-founder at Ezako (, the time-series solutions company. We help our clients with anomaly detection, labeling and forecasting problems.